Roof Condenser Changeover

Roof Condenser Changeover
Finch of Bookham recently completed a roof condenser changeover project, involving the careful removal and replacement of condenser units.

Delivery and Setup
Upon arrival at the site, all W Finch & Co Ltd personnel reported to the client’s site supervisor for a site induction and clearance to access the working area.
The lorry loader vehicle was positioned by the Lift Supervisor, nylacast mats (600 x 600) were placed underneath the outriggers, and two two-leg chains were attached to the hook. The hook was placed over the centre of the condenser, and the load was slung with nylon slings attached to the two-leg chains. A tag line was also attached.

Movement and Positioning
Under the direction of the slinger, via three-way communication, the hook was raised until the slinging arrangement became secure. The condenser was lifted high enough to clear the plant enclosure. The slinger, using three-way radio communication, directed the lorry loader to slew clear of the roof and lower the condenser onto the vehicle bed. The redundant units were secured to the vehicle bed with load straps, and the condensers were wheeled to the lifting area.

Installation and Equipment Removal
The hook was placed over the centre of the condenser, and the load was slung with nylon slings attached to the two-leg chains. The hook was raised until the slinging arrangement was secure. After checking the lifting equipment, the condenser was lifted high enough to clear the roof and the plant enclosure. The slinger then directed the lorry loader, via three-way radio communication, to slew over the roof and lower the load inside the plant enclosure.
Upon completion of all lifts, the lorry loader was stowed away.